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2022 Annual General Meeting

All Australian and New Zealand members are invited to attend our AGM to be held on Monday 28th November, 2022 via Zoom link at 8:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, 5:00 PM Perth, 7:00 PM Brisbane, 7:30 PM Adelaide and 10:00 PM New Zealand. We apologise with the late start for New Zealand members as the time differences vary both between our Australia states and New Zealand. To join the meeting you simply click on the zoom link in your browser (computer, phone or tablet).

The AGM is an opportunity to hear about all our activities, planned conferences, future projects and our financial status. It is also an opportunity to become involved on the Board as we became a company so members from all Australian states and from New Zealand could participate. An application form is attached to this notice. Applications to the Board are invited not only from parents and those adults with CDC but also extended to family members or people in your network that support the aims of our group. If you would like to discuss your involvement or ask any questions before the meeting please call me on 0419 347 913. 

You can participate either:

* By Zoom  – or, 
* By appointing a proxy (using the attached form) 

To RSVP to the AGM, to send back the signed proxy or Board application form please reply to

I’ll also take this opportunity to thank those members that have completed our recent membership survey. If  you have not done so it is available at  The survey is an opportunity to tell us want you want from the group and how we can best support you and your family. 

Best Regards,

Sue Green 


Cri du Chat Support Group Ltd is inviting you our AGM via a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Monday November 28, 2022 08:00 PM Australia/Melbourne

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 346 486 7260

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Meeting ID: 346 486 7260

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