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About Cri du Chat Support Group Limited

Cri du Chat Support Group Limited is a company limited by guarantee (ACN 652 394 860, ABN 70 451 863 483) established as a charity.

The aim of the company is to provide information, friendship, and support to those who have a family member or friend with Cri du Chat syndrome or other anomaly of chromosome five.

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Cri du Chat Syndrome. However, our focus is on supporting families from Australia, New Zealand, and the wider Southern Hemisphere region. Other support groups for this genetic disorder are also available worldwide.

This website aims to provide comprehensive information for new families, medical professionals and students, and others with an interest in Cri du Chat Syndrome.

Registering as a member of this group is currently free, though we encourage families and associate members to make a donation to assist with the ongoing costs associated with running the group.

Cri du Chat Support Group Limited is a voluntary group that originated in Melbourne.

We are very grateful for the efforts of founding members Margarette Christie, Wendy Craig, and Janet Ryan, and for those who have taken an active role in creating and maintaining connections.