Statement of purpose
The Cri du Chat Support Group Limited is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee established as a charity. As outlined in the constitution adopted in 2021, the company has the following charitable purposes:
- To provide benevolent support to any member of the public who may have contact with persons with Cri du Chat Syndrome, including parents, caregivers, family and friends of persons with Cri du Chat Syndrome and to educational and health care professionals, whether members of the association or not;
- To provide information on Cri du Chat Syndrome to parents, caregivers, family and friends of persons with Cri du Chat Syndrome and to educational and health care professionals and all others of the general public who may have an interest in or contact with persons having Cri du Chat Syndrome;
- To empower both parents and carers of persons with Cri du Chat Syndrome and persons with Cri du Chat Syndrome, whether members of the association or not, to act as advocates on their own behalf through information, education and support;
- To promote the care, education and welfare of persons with Cri du Chat Syndrome whether members of the association or not;
- To represent and advocate for parents/carers and families of persons with Cri du Chat Syndrome and persons with Cri du Chat Syndrome whether members of the association or not;
- To strive for the recognition and observance of the human rights of those with Cri du Chat Syndrome whether members of the association or not;
- To do all other acts, deeds, matters and things of and incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.